Great to be invited to the University of Stavanger (UiS) last week and being in front of a group of students as part of the master’s level course: “Economics and Decision Analysis for Engineers”. Many thanks to our cooperation partner Professor Reidar Bratvold for arranging this!
The talk was given by our principal advisor Ron Allred and entitled “Structured Decision Making”. It was given in the framework of why considerations to organizational complexity and analytical complexity are important when faced with complex decision problems. And why it is critical to have an appreciation of what factors are making the problem difficult or complicated to solve. It was a very attentive and engaged class, with a lot of good and challenging questions being raised by the students.
About Ron Allred
A significant percentage of Ron’s working life has been associated with decision analysis – from a wide-eyed neophyte being mentored in the discipline, to a recognized global resource responsible for developing and enacting decision analysis policy on a company wide basis for ConocoPhillips. Ron is a principal advisor in DecisionNodes and is available as a lecturer, strategic advisor and for facilitation support of complex problems within the field of decision analysis.