In recent weeks we have been working hard to complement the knowledge base in the members’ portal with new articles. In this process, we have decided to restructure and merge some of the articles to ensure a good overview and a sensible totality. You may already have noticed this change, but every topic we had planned to write about, is included in the current structure. We appreciate all suggestions for further improvements of individual articles and the knowledge base as a whole.

Our focus in the coming weeks will be to finalise additional content in the members’ portal, but we will also be busy in preparing and conducting seminars and training. Check out the training calendar, to see all the available training events throughout 2016.

On this note, we wish all existing and potential new members a nice Christmas without too many demanding and complex decision problems. And we look forward to seeing you again in 2016!

Christmas greetings from Ada and Erlend

If you participated at the kick-off gathering in November, but haven’t registered as a member yet, we remind you that the deadline is New Year’s Eve.